On Sun Jun 06 10:11:36 2010, lue wrote:
> > say Exception;
> Exception()
> > eval "RONG" or say $!.PARROT
> Perl6Exception
> > eval "RONG" or say $!.WHAT
> Exception()
> > eval "RONG" or die $!
> Could not find sub &RONG
> > eval "RONG" or say $!.^methods(:local)>>.name.perl
> ("exception", "", "handled", "resume", "perl", "throw", "Str", "new",
> "payload", "rethrow")
> > eval "RONG" or $!.resume
> Null PMC access in invoke()
> > eval "RONG" or $!.rethrow
> Could not find sub &RONG
> > eval "RONG" or say $!.perl
> undef
> The only things that are still interesting is $!.resume and $!.perl.
> Everything else has changed towards the better.

Even better?, now:

> say Exception;
> eval "RONG" or say $!.PARROT
Method 'PARROT' not found for invocant of class 'Exception'
> eval "RONG" or say $!.WHAT
> eval "RONG" or die $!
Could not find sub &RONG
> eval "RONG" or say $!.^methods(:local)>>.name.perl
("Str", "throw", "rethrow")
> eval "RONG" or $!.resume
Method 'resume' not found for invocant of class 'Exception'
> eval "RONG" or $!.rethrow
Could not find sub &RONG
> eval "RONG" or say $!.perl
Could not find sub &RONG

Good enough for tests?
Will "Coke" Coleda

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