On Fri Aug 06 01:30:28 2010, q...@cono.org.ua wrote:
> #git rev-parse HEAD
> 0e5edb5c5fb2c2a2011c5a41d0f5161bcd1f8885
> 11:22 < cono> rakudo: class E {has $.n is rw; has $.v is rw; method
> Str{~self.v}}; my E $x .= new(:v(1)); $x.n = E.new(:v(2)); (gather {
> my $i = $x; while $i.defined { take $i; $i = $i.n } }).join("|").say
> 11:22 <+p6eval> rakudo 6d3258: OUTPUT«Any()|Any()␤»

08:58 < [Coke]> rakudo: class E {has $.n is rw; has $.v is rw; method
                Str{~self.v}}; my E $x .= new(:v(1)); $x.n = E.new(:v(2));
                (gather { my $i = $x; while $i.defined { take $i; $i = $i.n }
08:58 <+p6eval> rakudo 7408d6: OUTPUT«1|2␤»

> 11:22 < cono> is it a bug/
> 11:22 < cono> rakudo: class E {has $.n is rw; has $.v is rw; method
> Str{~self.v}}; my E $x .= new(:v(1)); $x.n = E.new(:v(2)); (gather {
> my $i = $x; while $i.defined { take $i; $i = $i.n }
> }).map({~$_}).join("|").say
> 11:22 <+p6eval> rakudo 6d3258: OUTPUT«1|2␤»
> 11:23 < pmichaud> cono: yes, it's likely a bug.
> 11:23 < pmichaud> actually, I might be able to fix it easily now.
> 11:23 < cono> should I submit?
> 11:23 < pmichaud> sure... it's likely the take() bug.

Fixed, closable with tests.
Will "Coke" Coleda

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