On Sat May 29 07:30:06 2010, moritz wrote:
> 16:27 <@moritz_> rakudo: class A { multi method a() { }; multi method
> a() { } }
> 16:27 < p6eval> rakudo bbb336:  ( no output )
> 16:27 <@moritz_> rakudo: class A { multi method a() { }}; use
>                  augment class A { multi method a() { } }
> 16:27 < p6eval> rakudo bbb336: OUTPUT«A method named 'a' already exists in
>                 class 'A'. It may have been supplied by a role.␤current
> instr.:
>                 'perl6;ClassHOW;add_method' pc 4969
>                 (src/metamodel/ClassHOW.pir:502)␤»

Now says:

20:23 < [Coke]> rakudo: class A { multi method a() { }}; use MONKEY_TYPING; 
                augment class A { multi method a() { } }
20:24 <+p6eval> rakudo 545638:  ( no output )

> 16:27 < Su-Shee> and has something which starts to resemble
> "fetchrow_hashref"
> 16:27 <@moritz_> that's a bug, right?
> 16:28 <@jnthn> moritz_: Looks like it.
> 16:28 <@moritz_> any masaks around?
> 16:28 <@moritz_> looks like not
> 16:28 <@jnthn> oh noes, how will we get an RT ticket filed?
> 16:28 < Su-Shee> moritz_: well write a FakeMasak then!

Closable with tests.
Will "Coke" Coleda

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