On Tue Jul 27 18:45:07 2010, coke wrote:
> On Thu Jul 22 09:58:56 2010, masak wrote:
> > <masak> rakudo: class A { method pack($_) { s/c// }};
> > A.new.pack("ccc") # discovered by cono++
> > <p6eval> rakudo 220b67: OUTPUT«Null PMC access in find_method('new')
> [...]
> > * masak submits rakudobug
> >
> > Remove the s/c//, and everything works. Remove .pack("ccc"), and
> > everything works. How is it that the .pack call participates in
> > causing an error related to finding .new ?
> 21:44 < [Coke]> rakudo: class A { method pack($_) { s/c// }};
> A.new.pack("ccc")
>                 # discovered by cono++
> 21:44 <+p6eval> rakudo 7f5c22: OUTPUT«Cannot modify readonly value␤
> in
>                 '&infix:<=>' at line 1␤  in 'A::pack' at line
>                 22:/tmp/HIyuNvbnYe␤  in main program body at line
>                 22:/tmp/HIyuNvbnYe␤»

Pretty much unchanged. Is this closable with tests now?

19:37 < [Coke]> rakudo: class A { method pack($_) { s/c// }}; A.new.pack("ccc")
19:37 <+p6eval> rakudo 38907e: OUTPUT«Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a 
                value␤  in sub infix:<=> at src/gen/CORE.setting:7361␤  in 
                method pack at /tmp/5h1grLXx6g:1␤  in block <anon> at 
                /tmp/5h1grLXx6g:1␤  in <anon> at /tmp/5h1grLXx6g:1␤»

Will "Coke" Coleda

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