On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Will Coleda via RT
<perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> wrote:
> On Mon Sep 19 20:57:19 2011, coke wrote:
>> On Mon Apr 05 14:21:29 2010, coke wrote:
>> > On Sun Jan 11 00:21:58 2009, pmichaud wrote:
>> > > On Mon Nov 24 09:12:36 2008, masak wrote:
>> > > > <masak> rakudo: for 1..5 -> $a, $b { say $a, $b }
>> > > > <p6eval> rakudo 33137: OUTPUT[12␤34␤StopIteration␤current
>> instr.:
>> > > > '_block11' pc 78 (EVAL_15:29)␤]
>> > > >
>> > > > I haven't searched the specs or the tests for what should
>> happen,
>> > but
>> > > > I'm pretty sure this shouldn't throw an exception.
>> > >
>> > > Stalling this ticket until there's a description of what should
>> happen
>> > > (either in S04 or S07) and tests to match.
>> > >
>> > > Thanks!
>> > >
>> > > Pm
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > 17:17 < CokeBot9000> TimToady:
>> >
>> http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=60780
>> > - I
>> >                      would imagine that on the last loop through, a
>> > would get
>> >                      5, and b would get whatever undef is these
>> days.
>> > 17:18 <@TimToady> no, it just fails to bind, unless you declare the
>> > second
>> >                   parameter as optional
>> > 17:19 < CokeBot9000> (fails to bind) - just on the last iteration,
>> yes?
>> > 17:20 <@TimToady> yes, just the last iteration
>> >
>> 23:56 < [Coke]> rakudo: for 1..5 -> $a, $b { say $a, $b }
>> 23:56 <+p6eval> rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«12␤34␤Not enough positional
>> parameters passed;
>>                 got 1 but expected 2␤  in block <anon> at
>> /tmp/DxYdxC7jfN:1␤  in
>>                 method reify at src/gen/CORE.setting:3690␤  in method
>> reify at
>>                 src/gen/CORE.setting:3595␤  in method reify at
>>                 src/gen/CORE.setting:3595␤  in method gimme…
>> 23:56 < [Coke]> rakudo: for 1..5 -> $a, $b? { say $a, $b }
>> 23:56 <+p6eval> rakudo cbdd9b: OUTPUT«12␤34␤5Mu()␤»
>> good enough for tests?
> We've regressed:
> 09:13 < [Coke]> rakudo: for 1..5 -> $a, $b { say $a, $b }
> 09:14 <+p6eval> rakudo 142c41: OUTPUT«12␤34␤Not enough positional
> parameters
>                passed; got 1 but expected 2␤  in block <anon> at
>                /tmp/BU0IJx3rtJ:1␤  in method reify at
>                src/gen/CORE.setting:4045␤  in method reify at
>                src/gen/CORE.setting:3952␤  in method reify at
>                src/gen/CORE.setting:3952␤  in method gimme…
> --
> Will "Coke" Coleda

Whoops. This isn't a regression, I just didn't test both variants.:

09:31 < [Coke]> rakudo: for 1..5 -> $a, $b? { say $a, $b }
09:31 <+p6eval> rakudo 142c41: OUTPUT«12␤34␤5Mu()␤»

So, no change, everything works, yes, good enough for tests, marking ticket.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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