On Fri Sep 17 04:07:17 2010, masak wrote:
> <oyse> How do you modify a environment variable in Perl6. Tried
> %*ENV<TEST> = 'Test', but that does not work
> <masak> it should.
> <masak> rakudo: %*ENV<TEST> = 'Test'; say %*ENV<TEST>
> <p6eval> rakudo 2c8bb8: OUTPUT«Cannot modify readonly value␤  in
> '&infix:<=>' [...]
> <masak> I think that one's in RT.
> <masak> shouldn't be terribly hard to fix.
> <oyse> Ok. Thanks.
> <masak> we don't seem to have a ticket for %*ENV being readonly.
> * masak submits one
> <masak> oyse++


rakudo: %*ENV<TEST> = 'Test'; say %*ENV<TEST>

Already tested in S02-magicals/env.t, added a ref to this ticket.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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