# New Ticket Created by  Philippe de Rochambeau 
# Please include the string:  [perl #112676]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org:443/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=112676 >


neither the *WALK... or SUPER... lines below seem to work.

I am trying to use the superclass's set method.

Best regards,



class cell {
        has Int $.contents is rw = 0;
        method get() { 
                return $.contents;
        method set(Int $n) {
                $.contents = $n;

class reCell is cell {
        has Int $.backup is rw = 0;
        method set(Int $n) {
                $.backup = $.contents;
        method restore() {
                $.contents = $.backup;

my $reCell = reCell.new(contents => 1);
say "reCell's contents 1 = $reCell.get()";
say "reCell's contents 2 = $reCell.get()";
say "reCell's contents after restore = $reCell.get()";

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