On Mon Jul 12 08:46:21 2010, bbkr wrote:
> [17:42] <masak> bbkr: re "determine behavior of 0-arity methods passed
> to sort" -- (1) it's not a method :) (2) I think the behavior is 
> clear, at least if the spec says this should act like a Schwartzian
> transform, which I think it does.
> [17:43] <masak> then the behavior is "collect all (random) values, 
> on them".
> [17:46] <bbkr> masak: thanks, I didn't know about Schwartzian 
> adding this info to ticket.

Changing my mind on this one. use .pick(*) if you want .sort(&rand) 
semantics. Wrap your nullary function in a unary or binary function if 
you want something more advanced.

Rejecting ticket.

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