On Tue Aug 24 17:03:23 2010, masak wrote:
> <jnthn> rakudo: my @a = 1,2,3,4; say @a[1..*-1]
> <p6eval> rakudo 82c9e9: OUTPUT«Method 'Num' not found for invocant of
> class WhateverCode'␤  in 'Cool::Numeric' at line 1745:CORE.setting␤
> in 'Cool::Numeric' at line 1746:CORE.setting [...]
> <jnthn> ew er
> <jnthn> Why on earth does Cool::Numeric show up twice in the backtrace?
> <masak> multi delegation?
> <jnthn> Doesn't look very delegatory to me.
> <masak> then I have no idea why.
> <masak> backtrace printer bug?
> <jnthn> yeah, that's what I'm fearing
> <jnthn> Feel free to file it, I can take a look when I'm back.
> * masak submits suspected backtrace printer bug RT ticket

>  my @a = 1,2,3,4; say @a[1..*-1]
2 3 4

No backtrace at all anymore. Closable?

Will "Coke" Coleda

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