On Sun Oct 09 09:13:19 2011, coke wrote:
> On Wed Aug 11 13:25:39 2010, ronaldxs wrote:
> >   The variant my @a ||= (3); @a.perl.say; outputs something
> reasonable.
> >
> > Ron
> Still happening:
> 12:11 < [Coke]> rakudo:  my @a //= (3); @a.perl.say;
> 12:11 <+p6eval> rakudo f6eb61: OUTPUT«maximum recursion depth
> exceeded␤Method
>                 'dispatch:<.?>' not found for invocant of class
>                 'Integer'␤current instr.: 'is-hidden' pc 817656
>                 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:224638)
> (src/gen/CORE.setting:5921)␤»
> 12:12 < [Coke]> rakudo:  my @a ||= (3); @a.perl.say;
> 12:12 <+p6eval> rakudo f6eb61: OUTPUT«Array.new(3)␤»

This seems to be fixed now:

21:42 < [Coke]> rn: my @a //= (3); @a.perl.say;
21:42 <+p6eval> niecza v19-7-g5e25209: OUTPUT«[].list␤»
21:42 <+p6eval> ..rakudo 9394f7: OUTPUT«Array.new()␤»
21:42 < [Coke]> rn: my @a ||= (3); @a.perl.say;
21:42 <+p6eval> niecza v19-7-g5e25209: OUTPUT«[3].list␤»
21:42 <+p6eval> ..rakudo 9394f7: OUTPUT«Array.new(3)␤»

Closable with tests.
Will "Coke" Coleda

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