> works now.  marking testneeded.
> 18:41 <diakopter> rakudo: package A { our %h; %h{'A'} = 2 }
> 18:41 <p6eval> rakudo 024843:  ( no output )

The first example works but the second still does not AFAICT - our %h = 
('A' => 2) Method 'STORE' not found.

I pointed out another related problem on IRC yesterday evening here 

UncleFester6    r: my %m; our %o; %m{2} = 4; %o{3} = 6; say %m; say %o; 
say %m.perl; say %o.perl
p6eval  rakudo ee86a5: OUTPUT«("2" => 4).hash␤("3" => 6).hash␤("2" => 
4).hash␤{"3" => 6}␤»

jnthn++ later agrees that the last output should not be different from 
the others.

So still some work in the area and could be more than one test needed.


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