<masak> r: class A::B { my $c = 42; method foo { $A::B::c = "OH HAI"; say 
$c } }; A::B.foo
<p6eval> rakudo 0eea68: OUTPUT«42␤»
<masak> r: class A::B { my $c = 42; method foo { $c = "OH HAI"; say 
$A::B::c } }; A::B.foo
<p6eval> rakudo 0eea68: OUTPUT«Any()␤»
<masak> the former one is fine, I guess. at least if package stashes can 
be extended like that.
<masak> the latter one is, hm, also fine.
* masak rejects https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=72326

The original ticket seems to stem from a confusion between my-scoped and 
our-scoped variables, and the containers they share. I see nothing 
unexpected in the above. Rejecting ticket.

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