<masak> rn: say <<'m'<\>'n'>>
<p6eval> rakudo 8a07b8: OUTPUT«'m'<\>'n'␤»
<p6eval> ..niecza v22-13-g0d2a99e: OUTPUT«'m'<>'n'␤»
<masak> rn: say <'m'<\>'n'>
<p6eval> niecza v22-13-g0d2a99e: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤␤Preceding context 
expects a term, but found infix < instead [...] Parse failed␤␤»
<p6eval> ..rakudo 8a07b8: OUTPUT«'m'<>'n'␤»
* masak decides to include these discrepancies, also reported by 
diakopter++, in the bug report

They seem relevant. The one who fixes the original bug may decide to 
relate somehow to the above two discrepancies as well.

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