On Mon Sep 13 10:58:56 2010, patrickas wrote:
> sub foo () {
>     gather {
>         my $c=0;
>         loop {
>             $c = $c+0.001;
>             take $c;
>         }
>     }
> }
> say $_ for foo(); #crashes around 4.0xx on my pc
> If I use a while loop instead of for loop things get a bit better
> my $s = foo();
> say $s.shift() while ($s) ; #crashes around 10.xxx on my pc

The pathological crash isn't happening on my machine. There's still a memory 
leak here, but it's 
slower, and seems to be punctuated. It got up over 200 on the output, which was 
at 2G of 

Good enough to close?

Will "Coke" Coleda

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