On Sat Oct 20 18:17:19 2012, coke wrote:
> On Tue Jun 15 02:16:28 2010, masak wrote:
> > <sorear> How does case insensitive matching work in perl 6?
> > <sorear> e.g. "ß" ~~ m:i/SS/
> > <masak> sorear: that's the syntax, so I assume you're asking about 
> > semantics.
> > <masak> oh wait, that example is tricky :)
> > <masak> I would be surprised if Perl 6 is spec'd to handle that.
> > <sorear> yes.  semantics, and dark corners thereof
> > <sorear> yes, S05 says exactly nothing on the subject
> > <sorear> other than "ignores case distinctions"
> > <moritz_> rakudo: say "ß" ~~ /:i SS/
> > <p6eval> rakudo cfbeb5: OUTPUT«␤»
> > <moritz_> rakudo: say uc "ß"
> > <p6eval> rakudo cfbeb5: OUTPUT«SS␤»
> > <masak> o.O
> > <masak> German is strange.
> > <moritz_> it sure is.
> > <moritz_> masak: want to submit a bug report about inconsistency?
> > * masak submits rakudobug
> Behavior changed:
> > "ß" ~~ m:i/SS/
> #<failed match>
> > say uc "ß"
> ß
> Closable?

Well, the *inconsistency* seems to be gone... but by pushing the 
semantics in (what I consider to be) the wrong direction. I.e. now 
instead of one of two things behaving the wrong way, both do.

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