<diakopter> it's not an internal parrot error; it's the stringification 
of the pseudo-stash
* masak adds this to the ticket
<jnthn> r: say ::.Str
<p6eval> rakudo 1c9939: OUTPUT«GLOBALish 7 EXPORT        11 $?PACKAGE    
15 ::?PACKAGE   19 $_   23 $/   27 $!   39 $=pod        43 !UNIT_MARKER 
<masak> if it's just a stash, shouldn't it just return Any?
<jnthn> r: ::('wtf')
<p6eval> rakudo 1c9939: OUTPUT«No such symbol 'wtf'␤current instr.: 
'throw' pc 334686 (src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:150131) 
(src/gen/CORE.setting:9331)␤called from Sub 'sink' pc 366805 
(src/gen/CORE.setting.pir:162984) (src/gen/CORE.setting:10563)␤called 
from Sub 'MAIN' pc 381 (src/gen/perl6.pir:146…
<jnthn> masak: ::(...) != ::<...>
<jnthn> r: ::<wtf>
<p6eval> rakudo 1c9939:  ( no output )
<masak> oh.
<jnthn> ::(...) is the thing that goes interpolating
<masak> ok, not a bug, then.
* masak unsubmits that one

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