Pm (>):
> S03 has:
>     For functions deduced when there is only one value on the left, 
>     the final value is used to determine whether *.succ or *.pred is 
>     more appropriate.  The two values are compared with C<cmp> to 
>     determine the direction of the progression.
> Rakudo evaluates C< "perl" cmp { ... } >   as C<Order::Decrease>,
> therefore it's using the .pred/decreasing progression.

Aye. That's clearly to spec.

> So, one of the following:
>   a) &infix:<cmp> should produce a different result for Str vs Code
>      (if so, what?),

&infix:<cmp> is consistent the way it is, but it's a consistency that 
surprises people. (Basically, comparing across incompatible is 
impossible.) Adding an exception for Str vs Code feels wrong, and is the 
opposite of what &infix:<cmp> would need to be saner.

>   b) &infix:<...> should assume .succ if the final value is a Code 

This alternative makes sense to me. It's similar to how &infix:<...> 
assumes .succ in this case: '"perl" ... *'

>   c) Rakudo is correct, or

No. :)

>   d) Some other spec clarification or change needs to be made.

I'm very satisfied with how the sequence spec has turned out. It's 
stable and in some kind of sweet spot. I don't imagine it needs an 
overhaul of any kind, actually. But the way this particular case worked 
surprised me as a user.

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