On Sun Oct 16 03:56:13 2011, masak wrote:
> <masak> nom: my $c; my $name; BEGIN { $c = { say "OH HAI $name" } };
> $name = "masak"; $c()
> <p6eval> nom ea25f3: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value in string
> context␤OH HAI ␤»
> <masak> I'd expect the above to say "OH HAI masak".
> <masak> are my expectations too high? :)
> <jnthn> masak: Seems reasonableish... :)
> * masak submits rakudobug

I would expect $name to be undefined at BEGIN time, which would make this 
behavior correct.

Can you explain your POV here?

Will "Coke" Coleda

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