On Mon Sep 24 12:14:29 2012, sirrob...@gmail.com wrote:
> 15:08 < sirrobert> r: use Test; my Str $str; is_deeply {b=>2}, {a=>$str,
> b=>2}, "wat";
> 15:08 <+p6eval> rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«not ok 1 - wat␤#      got: {"b" =>
> 2}␤# expected:
>                 {"a" => Str, "b" => 2}␤»
> 15:08 < sirrobert> r: use Test; my Str $str; is_deeply {a=>$str, b=>2},
> {a=>$str, b=>2}, "wat";
> 15:08 <+p6eval> rakudo 7d6aa0: OUTPUT«use of uninitialized value of type
> Str in string
>                 context  in sub is_deeply at lib/Test.pm:217␤␤use of
> uninitialized value
>                 of type Str in string context  in sub is_deeply at
> lib/Test.pm:217␤␤ok 1 -
>                 wat␤»
> 15:09 < sirrobert> It can handle the sad path ok, but not the happy?
> 15:11 < masak> it definitely shouldn't emit a warning from within is_deeply
> like that.
> 15:11 < masak> please submit a rakudobug.

02:04 <[Coke]> r: use Test; my Str $str; is_deeply {b=>2}, {a=>$str, b=>2},
02:04 <camelia> rakudo bfd850: OUTPUT«not ok 1 - wat␤#      got: {"b" => 2}␤#
                expected: {"a" => Str, "b" => 2}␤»
02:05 <[Coke]> r: use Test; my Str $str; is_deeply {a=>$str, b=>2}, {a=>$str,
               b=>2}, "wat";
02:05 <camelia> rakudo bfd850: OUTPUT«ok 1 - wat␤»

Fixable with tests.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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