On Sun Apr 29 09:08:26 2012, ronaldxs wrote:
> It tries to get a git version for the smolder server and since it can't 
> find one for a basic rakudo star install t/spec it gets into trouble.  A 
> cleaner fix can be put in when RT 112680 is resolved.  Until then I 
> include a workaround:
> Take the Makefile rule below:
> spectest_smolder: rakudo_test_run.tar.gz
>      ./perl6 -e "shell qqx[git log -1 --pretty=format:%H].fmt(qq[curl -F 
> architecture=i386 -F platform=linux -F evision=%s -F 
> report_file=@rakudo_test_run.tar.gz -F username=parrot-autobot -F 
> password=qa_rocks 
> http://smolder.parrot.org/app/projects/process_add_report/5])"
> And rewrite to something like below which just comments out the line 
> and adds a new copy with a revised qqx[ ... ].
> spectest_smolder: rakudo_test_run.tar.gz
>      ./perl6 -e "shell q[rakudo-star-2011.04].fmt(qq[curl -F 
> architecture=i386 -F platform=linux -F evision=%s -F 
> report_file=@rakudo_test_run.tar.gz -F username=parrot-autobot -F 
> password=qa_rocks 
> http://smolder.parrot.org/app/projects/process_add_report/5])"
> spectest_smolder: rakudo_test_run.tar.gz
> #    ./perl6 -e "shell qqx[git log -1 --pretty=format:%H].fmt(qq[curl 
> -F architecture=i386 -F platform=linux -F evision=%s -F 
> report_file=@rakudo_test_run.tar.gz -F username=parrot-autobot -F 
> password=qa_rocks 
> http://smolder.parrot.org/app/projects/process_add_report/5])"

Rakudo * has its own issue tracker - moving this to 

Thanks for the report.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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