<masak> r: grammar G { token TOP { ^<foo>$ }; rule foo { foo } }; say ?
G.parse(" foo")
<camelia> rakudo 96776b: OUTPUT«True␤»
<masak> r: grammar G { token TOP { ^<foo>$ }; rule foo {foo } }; say ?
G.parse(" foo")
<camelia> rakudo 96776b: OUTPUT«False␤»
<masak> I thought rules ignored initial whitespace...
<moritz> masak: it's fascinating how rakudo still parses so well, being 
built on Perl 6 rules... :-)
<masak> heh.
* masak does a search through RT first
<masak> here is some discussion in a rejected ticket: 
<masak> ah -- here: https://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?
<masak> let's just add today's discussion to that one.

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