On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 02:05:35PM +1100, Jacinta Richardson wrote:
:    sub MAIN($terms = 35, $maximum = 4_000_000) {
:         my @sequence = gather for fibonacci($maximum) -> $number {
:             state $count = 0;
:             take $number if $number < $maximum && $count++ < $terms;
:         };
:         say @sequence;
:    }
:    sub fibonacci($maximum) {
:        my @numbers := 0, 1, *+* ... * < $maximum;
:        return @numbers;
:    }

Your main problem here is that your series is terminated backwards.
The ... runs until the right side matches, and and 0 < $maximum,
so it terminates on 0.  So you want * > $maximum.  You can also use a ^
to exclude the last value whwere it becomes true, so you can just say

    0, 1, *+* ...^ * > $maximum

and then you don't have to put in the extra check in your loop.

But you don't really need the loop either.  A more succinct way to
pick the first N terms is to use slice subscripting to pick out the 0th
to the $term'th - 1 element (again, using ^ to exclude the final value):

    say (0, 1, *+* ...^ * > $maximum)[0 ..^ $terms];

We also often like to abbreviate 0 ..^ $terms down to ^$terms like this

    say (0, 1, *+* ...^ * > $maximum)[^$terms];

But usually we just limit it by number of terms, and don't care about the

    say (0, 1, *+* ... *)[^$terms];

Hope this helps...


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