# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #120919]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=120919 >

<skids> r: role A { method pub { self!priv }; method !priv () {
"OHAI".say } }; class C does A { }; C.new.pub;
<camelia> rakudo-jvm a77214: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for
parameter 'null'␤␤»
<camelia> ..rakudo-parrot a77214: OUTPUT«Nominal type check failed for
parameter ''; expected $?CLASS but got C instead␤ in method priv at
/tmp/eL6iqOxDYJ:1␤  in method pub at /tmp/eL6iqOxDYJ:1␤  in block  at
<skids> r: role A { method pub { self!priv }; method !priv ($self:) {
"OHAI".say } }; class C does A { }; C.new.pub;
<camelia> rakudo-parrot a77214, rakudo-jvm a77214: OUTPUT«OHAI␤»
<masak> skids: that... looks like a bug to me. at first blush.
<masak> skids: looks like 'self' isn't parameterized correctly in
private methods in roles.
<masak> r: class A { method pub { self!priv }; method !priv { say "OH
HAI" } }; A.new.pub
<camelia> rakudo-parrot a77214, rakudo-jvm a77214: OUTPUT«OH HAI␤»
<masak> skids: do you know if that's already submitted?
<skids> masak: I do not.  I was removing old workarounds from a year +
ago and found it.
* masak submits rakudobug
<lue> masak: wait, how is that a bug? Seems reasonable to me.
<masak> lue: note, it works in my last eval.
<masak> lue: but it doesn't work in skid's first.
<masak> lue: the only difference is that in skid's case, pub and !priv
are in a role.
<lue> masak: oh, I thought you were discussing skids' last eval.
nevermind then :)  [somehow I also missed the $self: in that eval]
<masak> the second has a $self:
<masak> the first doesn't.
<masak> the fact that those two differ in their result is also suspect.
<skids> At least the $self is a better workaround now than using a
public method was.

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