There is a related test in roast/ S32-io/io-handle.t that tests that IO
flushes when it goes out of scope.

rakudo-parrot still doesn't do that:
10:57 <dagurval>  r: "asdf""24"); say slurp "asdf";
10:57 <camelia> rakudo-jvm 299d70, rakudo-moar 299d70: OUTPUT«24␤»
10:57 <camelia> ..rakudo-parrot 299d70: OUTPUT«␤»

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Will Coleda via RT <> wrote:

> On Tue Oct 19 13:47:36 2010, Solomon wrote:
> > my $file = open "test.txt", :w;
> >
> > for 1..1000 {
> >     $file.say: sprintf("This is a test
> >    %7d", $_);
> > }
> >
> >
> > # end of text.txt after executing this:
> >
> > This is a test                                        980
> > This is a test                                        981
> > This is a test                                        982
> > This is a test                                        983
> > This is a test                                        984
> > This is a test                                        985
> > This is a test                                        986
> > This is a test                                        987
> > This is a test                                        988
> > This is a test                  # file ends before \n on this line
> >
> > This happens with
> >
> >     This is Rakudo Perl 6, version 2010.09-60-gd497078 built on parrot
> > 2.9.0 r49583
> >
> > on the OS X, and
> >
> >     This is Rakudo Perl 6, version 2010.09-53-gd357695 built on parrot
> > 2.8.0 r49541
> >
> > on Linux.
> >
> I cannot duplicate this error now. Closable with tests.
> --
> Will "Coke" Coleda

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