# New Ticket Created by  David Warring 
# Please include the string:  [perl #122583]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=122583 >

List comprehensions are playing up under $(...) interpolation on the JVM.

>From the #perl6 IRC:
23:14   camelia rakudo-moar 688c28: OUTPUT«1 9 25 49 81␤»
23:15   dwarring        m: "{$_ * $_ if $_ !%% 2 for ^10}".say
23:15   camelia rakudo-moar 688c28: OUTPUT«␤»
23:17   TimToady        see S04:658
23:17   synopsebot      Link: http://perlcabal.org/syn/S04.html#line_658
23:17   TimToady        basically, {} are always going to suppress return value 
from loops inside
23:18           after much haggling over the years, that's what we settled on 
as Least Surprise
23:18           ss/loops inside/loops directly inside/
23:20           firnsy_ joined #perl6
23:20   * TimToady      suspects the optimizer should turn !%% into % in 
boolean context, if it doesn't already
23:21   dwarring        ok that makes sense
23:22           so I do need to put the loops in parens
23:22   TimToady        you can interpolate using $() too
23:23   dwarring        r: say "$($_ * $_ if $_ % 2 for 0..10)"
23:24   camelia rakudo-{parrot,moar} 688c28: OUTPUT«1 9 25 49 81␤»
23:24           ..rakudo-jvm 688c28: OUTPUT«␤»
23:24   dwarring        ahhh!
23:25           err except for jvm
23:25   TimToady        huh
23:25           trés peculiar
23:26   dwarring        i'll ticket it
23:29   TimToady        good idea
23:29           j: say "foo$('stuff')bar"
23:29   camelia rakudo-jvm 688c28: OUTPUT«foostuffbar␤»
23:30   TimToady        just seems like the comprehension is what goes astray, 
so maybe in sink context for some reason

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