On Sun Jul 20 10:54:43 2014, coke wrote:
> S02-types/declare.t contains a test which relies on this working:
> 13:51 < [Coke]> m: my Complex $namcu =1.3; say $namcu.WHAT;
> 13:51 <+camelia> rakudo-moar bbdcfd: OUTPUT«Type check failed in
> assignment to
>                  '$namcu'; expected 'Complex' but got 'Rat'␤  in block
> at
>                  /tmp/RwaUOyDQ9D:1␤␤»

15:28 < TimToady> [Coke]: I think it's fair for that to fail, and require the
                  (NYI) Complex(Cool) type for that to work
15:29 < TimToady> but I could perhaps be argued into special casing that to work

Will "Coke" Coleda

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