On Fri Aug 22 09:52:24 2014, coke wrote:
> On Fri Aug 20 04:39:00 2010, masak wrote:
> > <blixtor> perl6: sub foo { my $s; for 1..3 { $s += $_ } } ; say foo()
> > <p6eval> rakudo e45bf6: OUTPUT«666␤»
> > <blixtor> what is the rationale for this returning '666'
> > <jnthn> We embeded the devil in Rakudo.
> > <jnthn> Also, for in Perl 6 is just a synonym for "map"
> > <blixtor> and it's leaking from time to time, I see ;)
> > <jnthn> So you're doing something like
> > <jnthn> (1..3).map: { $s += $_ }
> > <jnthn> Which returns $s since that's the last thing you touched
> > <jnthn> So you end up with a list with $s in it 3 times
> > <blixtor> ahh, ok, that explains the difference to perl5, which
> > doesn't return anything
> > <jnthn> Yes, it's a difference from Perl 5.
> > <masak> why doesn't that return 136, though?
> > <masak> that's what I'd expect.
> > <sorear> masak: because Rakudo map is rw
> > <sorear> it's not supposed to be
> > <sorear> in theory, take should decontainerize
> > * masak submits rakudobug
> > <masak> it's in there, I'm sure.
> > <masak> but it's nice to have this example on file.
> > <sorear> like return
> > <masak> aye.
> > <jnthn> erm
> > <jnthn> what?
> > <jnthn> We never returned or taked here
> > <masak> true.
> > <masak> which is why it's a different ticket, I now realize :)
> > <sorear> jnthn: map is implemented using take
> > <jnthn> sorear: No.
> > <jnthn> sorear: Well, it *may* be.
> > <jnthn> sorear: But it certainly doesn't have to be.
> > <jnthn> (That is, nothing in the spec says it needs to be.)
> > <jnthn> morning, takadonet
> > <jnthn> Anyway, it maybe should be decontainerizing somewhere here too
> > <sorear> jnthn: well, in any case, the same underlying LTA is causing
> > both
> > <jnthn> I'm just not sure where.
> > <jnthn> Anyway, a ticket does no harm and makes sure we don't forget
> > the issue.
> Behavior has changed:
> 12:50 < [Coke]> perl6: sub foo { my $s; for 1..3 { $s += $_ } } ; say foo()
> 12:50 <+camelia> rakudo-{parrot,jvm,moar} 60cd9d: OUTPUT«Nil␤»

15:57 < masak> [Coke]: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=77334 is not
               valid any more, at least not with that kind of for loop.
15:57 < masak> m: sub foo { my $s; ($s += $_ for 1..3) } ; say foo()
15:57 <+camelia> rakudo-moar 5bd2d4: OUTPUT«6 6 6␤»
15:58 < masak> [Coke]: need to do it that way instead :)

So, no change, really. masak++

Will "Coke" Coleda

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