As FROGGS pointed out on IRC 
( the behaviour on Parrot 
is not exactly as last year. I did a fresh build and now I get the "Null PMC 
access" errors only when putting the declaration in an extra block. (That's 
what happening in my tests where I use 'lives_ok { sub postfix:<\\>($) {} }, 

So for Rakudo on newly built Parrot:
> sub postfix:< p >($) {}; say "alive"
> { sub postfix:< \p >($) {}; }; say "alive"
Null PMC access in find_method('clone')

$ perl6-p -e 'sub postfix:<\\>($) {}; say "alive"'
$ perl6-p -e '{ sub postfix:<\\>($) {} }; say "alive"'
Null PMC access in find_method('clone')
  in block <unit> at -e:1

$ perl6-p -e 'use Test; lives_ok { sub prefix:<\\>($) {} }, "OK"'
not ok 1 - OK
# Failed test 'OK'
# at -e line 1
# Null PMC access in find_method('clone')

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