# New Ticket Created by  Christian Bartolomaeus 
# Please include the string:  [perl #123048]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=123048 >

Today I got a failure while spectesting for rakudo.jvm:

Failure summary:
S02-names-vars/perl.rakudo.jvm 84 - .perl on user-defined type roundtrips okay

I investigated and the test in question runs fine most of the time but fails 
only once in a while. The test in question is on the last line of following 

# RT #61918
#?niecza skip ">>>Stub code executed"
    class RT61918 {
        has $.inst is rw;
        has $!priv;
        has $.string = 'krach';

        method init {
            $.inst = [ rand, rand ];
            $!priv = [ rand, rand ].perl;

    my $t1 = RT61918.new();
    my $t1_new = $t1.perl;
    my $t1_init = $t1.perl;

    ok $t1_new ne $t1_init, 'changing object changes .perl output';

    # TODO: more tests that show EVAL($t1_init) has the same guts as $t1.
    ok $t1_new ~~ /<< krach >>/, 'attribute value appears in .perl output';

    # RT #62002 -- validity of default .perl
    my $t2_init = EVAL($t1_init).perl;
    is $t1_init, $t2_init, '.perl on user-defined type roundtrips okay';

To me it looks as if "rand" (in method "init") sporadically generates values 
that don't survive the roundtrip on JVM. I tried to reproduce the failure and 
eventually came up with an example:

$ perl6-j -e 'my $a = 0.219947518065601987e0; say $a.perl; say 

Moar and Parrot return less decimal places for $a.perl already:

$ perl6-m -e 'my $a = 0.219947518065601987e0; say $a.perl; say 

So .perl behaves differently in this case on JVM and Moar/Parrot.

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong direction, but the test failure should not 
occur. I'm going to fudge the test ('skip') for rakudo.jvm.

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