# New Ticket Created by  Tobias Leich 
# Please include the string:  [perl #123070]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=123070 >

Taken from: http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2014-10-27#i_9574112

bronco_creek: I have a question about reading from a file.  When I use, for 
example: for $in.lines -: $line {say $line} is see a "?" prepended to the first 
line.  What's up with that?
FROGGS: that sounds like a replacement character..
geekosaur: windows by any chance? a utf8 file with a byte order mark at the 
start (like windows text editors like to prepend), sent to a non-utf8 display, 
would do that
FROGGS: bronco_creek: does that file start with a BOM?
bronco_creek: Yes, Windows.
FROGGS: bronco_creek: you've got notepad++ by any chance?
bronco_creek: I'm using Padre.
FROGGS: ahh, hmmm
FROGGS: dunno if that allows you to save that file without a BOM
bronco_creek: The file I'm trying to process is xml output from another 
program, but the leading "?" does not show up in Padre.
timotimo: do you have some kind of hex editor?
timotimo: now the question becomes
timotimo: do we want to support byte order marks in rakudo?
geekosaur: I think you'll need to; notepad in at least some versions of windows 
will insist on prepending a BOM
geekosaur: some other text editors as well (and there's a handful of programs, 
including some from Microsoft, that depend on it!)
geekosaur: even though you're not supposed to use a BOM with UTF-8
bronco_creek: I tried to strip the "?" with ~~ s/^\?//  but that did not do the 
geekosaur: yes, it's getting mapped to a replacement character on output; it's 
not actually a question mark
timotimo: that's right
timotimo: how about opening the file as binary and outputting the first few 
bytes as hexadecimals and looking at what exactly it is
geekosaur: actually on display, not on output
bronco_creek: Hmm.  Drove me nut trying to figure out why all of my xml files 
were invalid when I tried to parse with XML or XML::Parser::Tiny
timotimo: damn, that's annoying
timotimo: very sorry to hear that, bronco_creek :(

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