<masak> I need to digest those comments, though. I don't understand where the 
grammar "eats the newline that TOP needs to progress".
<masak> and, oh yes, I also noticed that changing 'token x' to 'regex x' made 
the bug go away. that's one thing I failed to include.
<masak> ...but anyway. even not following all the details, I know it's wrong 
that Grammar::Tracer heisenbugs the parse. :)
<masak> if it turns out the problem is *all* in Grammar::Tracer, I'll happily 
re-file this as a Github issue.
<TimToady> masak: the x rule matches a token of "B\n" and commits to that, but 
it must match only 'B' to allow the newline to match in TOP
<TimToady> it commits to "B\n" because that's the longesst token
<masak> why would the x rule ever match a "\n" after the "B"?
<TimToady> and it matches that because everything at the end is optional, 
including the ()
<TimToady> \s*
<TimToady> that's why changing \s* to \h* makes it work
<masak> oh, it goes into the *right* alternation...
<masak> I see.
<TimToady> or changing '()'* to '()'+
<masak> right.
<TimToady> or putting {} before the \s*
<masak> the ungolfed grammar is 108 lines. but you just provided some clues for 
how to fix it. thanks. :)
<moritz> whitespace. Still not a solved problem.
<jnthn> masak: I highly suspect Grammar::Tracer is doing something wrong. Note 
that when it was written, LTM was...rathre less advanced...than it is now. 
<masak> yes, I think it's been established now that the problem is purely in 
<jnthn> OK
<jnthn> Then feel free to file a tikkit.
* masak does

Rejecting this ticket, as the problem seems to be entirely in Grammar::Tracer, 
not in Rakudo.

See https://github.com/jnthn/grammar-debugger/issues/13 for the ticket opened 
in Grammar::Tracer.

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