As a status update: The REPL with rakudo.jvm gives a NullPointerException:

$ echo 'class A { has @.a of int }' | perl6-j
> class A { has @.a of int }

Executing the command with -e the error message is unchanged (it's the same 
error when evaluating the code in the REPL with rakudo.moar):

$ perl6 -e 'class A { has @.a of int }'
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
Cannot call trait_mod:<of>(Attribute, int); none of these signatures match:
    (Mu:U $target, Mu:U $type)
    (Routine:D $target, Mu:U $type)
    (Variable:D $v, Any |c)
    (Variable:D $v, Mu:U $of)
at -e:1

With parrot (latest version from rakudo star 2015.02 it's still a Null PMC 
access with the REPL:

$ echo 'class A { has @.a of int }' | perl6-p
> class A { has @.a of int }
Null PMC access in get_string()

I'll change the subject to mention the NPE on JVM.

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