On Mon May 11 05:26:45 2015, pmichaud wrote:
> After discussion with jnthn at OSDC.no, here's what we propose:
> In the regex engine, the default FAILGOAL behavior should be to simply
> fail/backtrack.  This would be the default behavior for (rakudo)
> Cursor as well.
> Grammars that wish to have the generate-an-exception behavior can
> override FAILGOAL to do so.  The HLL::Grammar class (in NQP) will do
> this, meaning that Rakudo's grammar will still inherit/retain the
> throw-an-exception behavior.
> Part of our reasoning (which may be faulty) for this approach is that
> it's relatively easy to override FAILGOAL in a grammar but harder to
> do so for regexes that aren't in a grammar.  In the latter case
> (regex), it's more likely that you want simple backtracking rather
> than the "throw an error message", so that should be the default.

This sounds very sane. +1

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