Yeah! It says this now:

===SORRY!=== Error while compiling ./
Couldn't find terminator ) (corresponding ( was at line 7)
at ./
------> <BOL>⏏<EOL>
    expecting any of:

This can be closed.

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Rob Hoelz via RT <> wrote:

> On Mon May 25 09:09:02 2015, wrote:
> > Code like this:
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/env perl6
> > #`{{
> > some
> > comments
> > here
> >
> >
> > Gives this error message:
> >
> > ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling ./
> > Couldn't find terminator }}
> > at ./
> > ------> <BOL>⏏<EOL>
> >     expecting any of:
> >         horizontal whitespace
> >         vertical whitespace
> >         whitespace
> >
> >
> > There are two problems that I can see:
> > 1) It says something about horizontal/vertical whitespace, which is not
> > helpful and not relevant.
> > 2) It does not provide a meaningful line number. I expect to see the line
> > number where this multiline comment was opened, but instead it gives me
> the
> > line number of the last line of the file (which makes sense to the
> > compiler, since that's where the error has occurred, but does not make
> any
> > sense to the human).
> I've addressed both of the issues here in Rakudo.

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