Fixed with 2281689a0f9e337de935


> On 07 Jun 2015, at 13:57, (via RT) <> wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by   
> # Please include the string:  [perl #125352]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: >
> 19:43:05    raydiak | m: say (my %h).list.perl
> 19:43:05   +camelia | rakudo-moar 442a56: OUTPUT«()␤»
> 19:43:14    raydiak | m: say (my %h{Any}).list.perl
> 19:43:15   +camelia | rakudo-moar 442a56: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
> 19:44:00      masak | raydiak: I don't see why that latter one should be Nil 
> when the former isn't.
> 19:44:10      jnthn | Me either
> 19:44:34    raydiak | nor me
> 19:44:38      masak | even moreso since ISTR Nil was decoupled from meaning 
> "undefined empty list" recently.
> 19:45:06      masak | raydiak: please rakudobug-submit, kthx.

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