# New Ticket Created by  christian.aperg...@lidil.univ-mrs.fr 
# Please include the string:  [perl #125771]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=125771 >

I am trying to install Rakudo on my mac, and get plenty of strange messages.

After downloading and uncompressing the file, as shown on the site i use :

      perl Configure.pl --backend=moar --gen-moar

After the message :

      Configuration SUCCESS.

Each compilation generates the message :

      clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: 

and at the end, the folowing final result :

      linking 3rdparty/libuv/libuv.a
      linking libmoar.dylib
      linking moar
      perl build/mk-moar-pc.pl pkgconfig/moar.pc
      Can't locate autodie.pm in @INC (@INC contains: 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/darwin-2level /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0 .) at build/mk-moar-pc.pl line 11.
      BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at build/mk-moar-pc.pl line 11.
      make: *** [pkgconfig/moar.pc] Error 2
      Building NQP ...
      perl Configure.pl 
--backends=moar --make-install
     Can't exec 
"/Users/chris/Desktop/rakudo-star-2015.07/install/bin/moar": No such 
file or directory at tools/lib/NQP/Configure.pm line 446.

      No suitable MoarVM (moar executable) found using the --prefix
      (You can get a MoarVM built automatically with --gen-moar.)

      Command failed (status 512): perl Configure.pl 
--backends=moar --make-install

Can you help me ?


            (o o)
      +--ooO-( )-Ooo------------------------------------------+
      |              Christian Aperghis-Tramoni               |
      |                                                       |
      | Mel              : ch...@aperghis.fr                  (\
    / ) WEB (provisoire) : http://www.dil.univ-mrs.fr/~chris  ( \
   ( (+-------------------------------------------------------+) )
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  (\\\ \_/ /                                             \ \_/ ///)
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  print join('',map({$i=1-$i;$a=$i?10*$_."\b\b":pack"c",$a+$_+0x16}split

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