Fixed with 571b4fab525d4ebf7e0f63c , closable with tests

> On 10 Aug 2015, at 14:48, Elizabeth Mattijsen (via RT) 
> <> wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Elizabeth Mattijsen 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #125780]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: >
> [14:13:25]  <azawawi> $?FILE is not working as expected
> [14:13:48]  <azawawi> $?FILE is still refering to 
> /home/azawawi/perl6-electron/.panda-work/1439208484_1/lib/Electron/App.pm6
> [14:14:12]  <azawawi> which panda create, installed and deleted that temp 
> directory
> [14:14:18]  <azawawi> s/create/created
> [14:14:45]  <lizmat>  m: say $?FILE; { my $?FILE = "foo"; say $?FILE }
> [14:14:47]  <+camelia>        rakudo-moar a32c14: OUTPUT«===SORRY!=== Error 
> while compiling /tmp/jsbZpo1Blk␤Cannot use ? twigil on my variable␤at 
> /tmp/jsbZpo1Blk:1␤------> say $?FILE; { my $?FILE⏏ = "foo"; say $?FILE }␤»
> [14:14:56]  <lizmat>  m: say $?FILE; { my constant $?FILE = "foo"; say $?FILE 
> }
> [14:14:57]  <+camelia>        rakudo-moar a32c14: 
> OUTPUT«/tmp/bMlCVlwet8␤/tmp/bMlCVlwet8␤»
> [14:15:04]  <lizmat>  hmmm....
> [14:18:32]  <azawawi> lizmat: what's the point in having a compiled $?FILE 
> which panda totally ignores? :)
> [14:19:11]  <azawawi> my use case is that i need to find resources residing 
> in lib/Foo/resources directory
> [14:19:55]  <lizmat>  there's %RESOURCE specced for that, alas NYI
> [14:20:00]  <lizmat>  hmmm....
> [14:20:26]  <lizmat>  m: say $?FILE; { my constant $?FILE = "foo"; say $?FILE 
> }   # actually feels like a bug
> [14:20:29]  <+camelia>        rakudo-moar a32c14: 
> OUTPUT«/tmp/StJKSHy18K␤/tmp/StJKSHy18K␤»
> [14:21:03]  <lizmat>  and I guess $?FILE should really be more runtime...
> [14:21:14]  <azawawi> $*FILE ?
> [14:21:39]  <azawawi> like
> [14:22:42]  <lizmat>  yeah, but P5 doesn't have the concept of precomp, so 
> __FILE__ is always about the file that was just opened to be parsed
> [14:33:07]  <jnthn>   I'd say the bug is that constant $?FILE = ... doesn't 
> complain the way my $?FILE = ... does.
> [14:33:39]  <jnthn>   You shouldn't be able to declare $? things yourself, 
> they're special things for the compiler to resolve. And thus they're also 
> compile-time constants and frozen in pre-comp
> [14:34:05]  <jnthn>   And no, $?FILE should not become more runtime.
> [14:34:41]  <azawawi> jnthn: what about when panda compiles them in a temp 
> folder .panda-work and then installs them? :)
> [14:34:45]  <lizmat>  ok, I'll take that from there then
> [14:36:09]  <jnthn>   azawawi: As I understand it, it probably should be 
> giving the files to a CompUnitRepo object to install, and leaving pre-comp to 
> Rakudo, in which case it can copy the file in place and pre-comp it in place.
> [14:41:24]  <lizmat>  jnthn: eh, you should be able to define $?FOO yourself, 
> no?  just not redefine existing ones?
> [14:42:39]  <jnthn>   lizmat: I'm...not sure it makes a lot of sense to allow 
> that?
> [14:43:45]  <lizmat>  ok, so no "userland" $?vars then
> [14:44:03]  <lizmat>  I guess that'll make it easier to be sure to prevent 
> future collisions
> [14:44:24]  <jnthn>   Right, it means we'll easily be able to introduce new 
> ones in the future knowing only the compiler gets to set them

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