On Fri Nov 07 20:44:27 2014, r...@hoelz.ro wrote:
> Example:
> .say for OUTER::OUTER::.values; # a bunch of Mus
> Shouldn't this be equivalent to my $stash = OUTER::OUTER::; .say for
> %stash.map({ %stash{$_} })?

I'm not sure that does what you think it does; Fixing the sigil typo, I get:

15:08 < [Coke]> m: .say for OUTER::OUTER::.values;
15:08 <+camelia> rakudo-moar 6a1879:

15:08 < [Coke]> m: my %stash = OUTER::OUTER::; .say for %stash.map({ %stash{$_}
15:08 <+camelia> rakudo-moar 6a1879: OUTPUT«Use of uninitialized value
                 <element> of type Mu in string context  in block  at
                 /tmp/bInF751r1z:1␤(Any)␤Use of uninitialized value <element>
                 of type Mu in string context  in block  at
                 /tmp/bInF751r1z:1␤(Any)␤Use of uninitialized value <element>
                 of …»

Will "Coke" Coleda

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