Scoping of lexical looks interesting

perl6 -ne 'my %d; %d{ .words[1] }++; END { %d.sort.perl.say }'

as this could not work in perl5

perl -nE 'my $d =1; END { say $d//"default!" }' # gives default

Btw, is there some option like perl -MO=Deparse -e .. in perl6?

01.09.2015, 17:03, "Jonathan Scott Duff" <>:
> If you're not married to the "key : value" format, you could use this:
>     scan +spam | perl6 -ne 'my %d; %d{.words[1]}++;  END { .say for sort %d }'
> Here's another variation, but keeping your original format:
>     scan +spam | perl6 -ne 'my %d; %d{.words[1]}++;  END { say "$_.key() : 
> $_.value()" for sort %d }'
> And that *really* made me wish that this one would work:
>     scan +spam | perl6 -ne 'my %d; %d{.words[1]}++;  END { for %d.kv.sort -> 
> $k, $v { say "$k : $v" } }'  # oops
> But the .kv method gives a list of key,value,key,value,etc. which doesn't 
> quite sort the way you want.
> However, this one does work:
>     scan +spam | perl6 -ne 'my %d; %d{.words[1]}++;  END { for %(%d.sort).kv 
> -> $k, $v { say "$k : $v" } }'
> At the expensive of some extra punctuation and a little bit of clarity. 
> Personally, I'd just use the first thing I said.
> With strict being on as the default, It's too bad that one-liners aren't 
> treated as routines such that you can use self-declared parameters like so:
>     scan +spam | perl6 -ne '%^d{.words[1]}++;  END { .say for sort %d }'
> Then we could get both stricture and ease-of-use. Though, they'd have to be 
> auto-declared read-write as well for this to work.  And though they'd be 
> parameters to this routine, the routine would probably be required to be 
> called with no parameters.  And that would also mess with the call to .words 
> as $_ wouldn't be right ... but ... details, details  ;)
> There may be the kernel of a good idea there if someone smarter than me wants 
> to think about it some more and make it workable.
> -Scott
> On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 2:10 AM, Matija Papec <> wrote:
>> Not pretty, also you'll have to take care of -a switch,
>> perl6 -ne 'our %d; %d{ .trim.split(/\s+/)[1] }++; END {say "$_: %d{$_}" for 
>> sort keys %d}'
>> 31.08.2015, 17:25, "yary" <>:
>>> Once in a while, our sysadmin tweaks something on an upstream mail server, 
>>> and asks us a few days later if our spam rate has changed. I invariably 
>>> whip up a perl5 one liner like this to get a daily spam count from my "mh" 
>>> mail folder:
>>> scan +spam|perl -naE '$d{$F[1]}++; END{say "$_: $d{$_}" for sort keys %d}'
>>> "scan +spam" spits out one line per message in my spam folder, with the 
>>> date in field 1. I'm using perl in an awk-like way, and taking advantage of 
>>> non-strictness to use a global %d without declaring it.
>>> What's a good concise "strict" Rakudo one-liner that works the same? In 
>>> particular, is there a Perl6 one-liner that works line-by-line (not 
>>> requiring reading all STDIN into memory) and doesn't require a variable 
>>> declaration?
>>> -y

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