# New Ticket Created by  Shoichi Kaji 
# Please include the string:  [perl #126301]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=126301 >

(Note that the script is also at
https://gist.github.com/shoichikaji/e0baf95e6f602a443f16 )

Following script exits with error:

$ cat test.p6
class A {}

class B {
    sub foo(A $a) {}
    A.^add_method('bar', method () {

$ perl6 -v
This is perl6 version 2015.09-289-g6f31121 built on MoarVM version

$ perl6 test.p6
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling test.p6
Calling foo(B) will never work with declared signature (A $a)
at test.p6:6
------>         ⏏foo(self);

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