On 2015-10-12 1:25 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 09:51:13PM +0200, Mark Overmeer wrote:
Can you give me an example?  Many other languages are capable to live
without undef and have first class type objects.

Keep in mind that what Perl 6 calls a "type object" isn't quite the
same as class objects in other languages -- a Perl 6 typename is
really an undefined instance of a class.  In other words, the
identifiers C<Int>, C<Rat>, C<Array> etc. refer to instances of
those classes just like the literals C<3>, C<4/5>, and C<[1,2,3]> are
instances of those classes.  They share the same method spaces.

Hey, that sounds like a nice elegant design, I learned something new. -- Darren Duncan

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