On Fri Apr 15 12:06:47 2011, patrickas wrote:
> On windows 7 and vista using "\n" does not produce  \r\n
> The following
> my $file = open('foo.txt', :w);
> $file.say("a\nb");
> $file.close;
> produces a file containing the bytes
> 61 0a 62 0a
> The expected bytes are
> 61 0d 0a 62 0d 0a
> A current work around is to use
> $file.print("a\r\nb\r\n");

Now \n in strings is "magical": it will default to CRLF on Windows, and just LF 
elsewhere (you can see what $?NL contains to check). It can be controlled by 
the newline pragma when this default is not appropriate, tests for which are in 



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