
Trying to use an enum. Can't easily find out how to use them. Looked in both design documents and in the language documents page.

I can't seem to get the examples in the design documents to work. So I seem to be missing something.

I got the following to work, and I thought enum was supposed to be a syntatic sugar for this

my %SortOrder = <module simple recursive> Z[=>] 1..2;

# $sort = 'simple';

my @ordered = @array-of-three.sort( *.[ %SortOrder{$sort} ] );

I'm trying to do something like the following:

sub MAIN ( Str :$sort = 'simple') {

my enum SortOrder <name simple recursive>;
my @array-of-three;
my @ordered = @array-of-three.sort(*.[ SortOrder($sort) ] );


I also tried

my SortOrder $s = $sort; # this fails


my @ordered = @array-of-three.sort( *.[ $s.value ] );

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