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calling multis in the same class with .* doesn't work:
22:10   raydiak m: class C { multi method m () { "A" }; multi method m () { "B" 
} }; C.*m
22:10   camelia rakudo-moar 5fda5d: OUTPUT«Ambiguous call to 'm'; these 
signatures all match:␤:(C $: *%_)␤:(C $: *%_)␤  in block <unit> at 

from different classes, it does work:
22:16   raydiak m: class B { multi method m () {"B"} }; class C is B { multi 
method m () {"C"} }; say C.*m
22:16   camelia rakudo-moar 5fda5d: OUTPUT«(C B)␤»

http://design.perl6.org/S12.html#Calling_sets_of_methods seems to suggest .* 
ought to work with any arrangement of multis and inheritance

http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2015-11-06#i_11497077 through 22:28

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