On Fri Oct 03 03:11:45 2014, masak wrote:
> <jnthn> m: say "a\n" ~~ /^^\s*$$/
> <camelia> rakudo-moar d69a87: OUTPUT«Nil␤»
> <jnthn> m: say "a\r\n" ~~ /^^\s*$$/
> <camelia> rakudo-moar d69a87: OUTPUT«「」␤␤»
> <jnthn> That's why Pod tables are bust on Windows.
> <masak> jnthn: that looks clearly wrong to me.
> <masak> \r\n are whitespace.
> <jnthn> masak: That's not the problem
> <jnthn> masak: The problem is that it doesn't match, so then goes
> right one char
> <jnthn> masak: Then ^^ says "oh, I'm after a \r, that'll do", and $$
> says "oh, I'm before a \n, that'll do"
> <masak> oh!
> <masak> ...wow.
> <jnthn> Yeah... o.O

This is no longer a problem, thanks to \r\n being a single grapheme. Test 
coverage added in S05-metachars/line-anchors.t.


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