Elizabeth Mattijsen via RT wrote:
>I tend to say ENOTABUG, as they are cases of "be liberal in what you
>accept" and they match the regular expression.

If the code is not a bug, then the documentation is, because it explicitly
says that invalid input will result in an exception.  You're welcome to
change it to accurately describe the code.  Something like

    Accepts a C<Str|/type/Str> formatted as C<yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ>
    or C<yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+01:00> (ISO 8601 timestamp notation).
    Also accepts some other strings that are not in ISO 8601 notation.
    When given an input string that is not in ISO 8601 notation, it
    either throws an exception of type L<X::Temporal::InvalidFormat>
    or tries to make sense of the string and returns some resulting
    C<DateTime> object.

>They all seem to generate the correct DateTime object.

I would not say that there is any correct DateTime object to generate from
those strings.  They are not in ISO 8601 format, and the documentation
doesn't say what other string formats it accepts.


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