> On 24 Dec 2015, at 00:50, Zefram (via RT) <perl6-bugs-follo...@perl.org> 
> wrote:
> # New Ticket Created by  Zefram 
> # Please include the string:  [perl #127008]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
> # <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127008 >
> The documentation for Date.new says that when given a string input the
> string is to be in ISO 8601 format.  In fact it accepts many kinds of
> non ISO 8601 strings:
>    "1-01-01"            (too few year digits)
>    "2000-1-1"           (too few month and day digits)
>    "2000-  01-01"       (illegal spaces)
>    "-01-01"             (no year digits)
>    "2000-0\x[666]-01"   (non-ASCII digit)
>    "2000.5-01-01"       (illegal fraction)
>    "2000-001-001"       (too many month and day digits)
>    "2000-+01-+01"       (sign on month and day)
> The documentation doesn't actually say that an exception will be thrown
> when it is given an invalid string input, but it doesn't give any clue
> as to how non ISO 8601 input would be parsed.  Some regexp-based syntax
> checking would be welcome here.
> Bearing in mind your response to [perl #127002], perhaps you intend to
> accept some strings that are not in ISO 8601 format, but the range that
> is accepted here goes beyond "liberal in what you accept".  Many of these
> strings are quite some distance away from being ISO 8601.  Whatever you
> intend to accept, it would also be wise to document explicitly what
> happens with non ISO 8601 input.

Fixed as a side-effect of fixing #127010 in fb475d22ba6d5507dd .  Can be closed.


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