# New Ticket Created by  Jules Field 
# Please include the string:  [perl #127064]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127064 >

   my @lines = "some-text.txt".IO.lines;
   my $s = 'Jules';
(some-text.txt is about 43k lines)

   my @matching = @lines.grep(/ $s /);
is about 50 times slower than
   my @matching = @lines.grep(/ Jules /);

And if $s happened to contain anything other than literals, so I had to us
   my @matching = @lines.grep(/ <$s> /);
then it's nearly 150 times slower.

   my @matching = @lines.grep($s);
doesn't appear to work. It matches 0 lines but doesn't die.

The lack of Perl5's straightforward variable interpolation in regexs is 
crippling the speed.
Is there a faster alternative? (other than EVAL to build the regex)


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