On Fri Jan 15 11:56:17 2016, alex.jakime...@gmail.com wrote:
> This bug report is a continuation of
> https://rt.perl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=127281
> <TimToady> while we're at it, let's make backtraces print all the arguments
> to all the routines...
> <TimToady> well, the short ones, anyway
> That would be awesome!!!
> In fact, this idea was mentioned a couple of times. One of those times it
> was discussed whether .perl, .gist or something else should be used for the
> output, but unfortunately I cannot find the link (perhaps somebody else
> will. However, there was no final decision).

We'll likely only be able to support this if some kind of "debug mode" that 
disables optimizations is switched on. We already discard some of the info 
needed to do this, and we'll be getting rather more aggressive at optimization 
in the coming months. And performance is more pressing than this nice-to-have.

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