On 2016-01-20 5:02 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
or is it all by hand?

If you mean a source code translator, I don't know of one right now but I wouldn't be surprised if one exists, that at least handles a common subset of Perl 5 code. I expect having one will be a priority if it isn't around now.

Maybe around 5 years ago I recall that the Perl 5 interpreter was updated to retain all source metadata in its parse tree partly so that this could be a basis to generate the original Perl 5 source, or alternately generate corresponding Perl 6 from it. See also the CPAN module PPI which may be a basis for one.

You may not need a source translator though.

The Perl 6 module Inline::Perl5 lets you simply use Perl 5 modules in Perl 6 programs as if they were Perl 6 modules.

The source translation I'm aware of is generally by hand, and often people doing it are also doing significant rewrites to take better advantage of the new Perl 6 features and idioms that a more mechanical automatic translation wouldn't.

Did that tell you anything useful?

-- Darren Duncan

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